This district came alive in 1898 when Harry Bush came into the picture. Although prior discoveries had been made, it was Bush who started leasing and buying claims. He enlarged the existing mill to 20 stamps and layed out the townsite. The district was booming and new buildings were popping up right and left. Although the corporation saw some success, the venture would eventually fail due to inadequate mine development and bad money management. Bush was forced out of the business.
Under the management of the Montana Gold Mining and Milling Company, a hydro-electric plant was built and a 150-ton cyanide plant was erected. Due to financial setbacks and legal issues, the operation once again failed. The mine would change hands three more times before 1917, when the properties were purchased by the Jardine Mining Company. In 1923 when ore rich in arsenopyrite was discovered, a complete arsenic plant was built at the cost of $125,000. The plant ran off and on until 1948 when it was destroyed by a fire and the mill was closed.